
The documentary combines live action with animation

香港 ⎮ 2024 (50 分鐘)
Hong Kong ⎮ 2024 (50 minutes)

粵語對白 ⎮ 中英文字幕
In Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles


The documentary Ah Cheung: Wings of Hope profiles the late LAW Wai-cheung, also known as Ah Cheung, a prominent advocate for disability rights in Hong Kong. Born with quadriplegia, he  never let his disability define him or limit his potential. This film combines live action and animation.

Synopsis 故事大綱

羅偉祥(祥仔)出生時缺氧一分鐘,終生要在輪椅上度過。他在沒有電梯的徙置大廈長大,家人外出工作時只好獨留他在家。他肚皮貼地過日,與老鼠爭食談心「做朋友」。外面的世界對當時的他來說,只有抬頭看到天井的一片天空。雖然母親承諾「我會養你一輩子」,祥仔卻不甘心成為家庭和社會的包袱。他後來的人生充滿奇遇:將筆綁在手上、用唇頂著寫字通過公開考試,成為香港首位坐輪椅的保險從業員 ……在生命的最後幾年,他面對無力掌控的衰老和死亡,仍然堅守「獨立自主生活」的原則。他留下了一項未竟的計劃:建立一個由殘疾人士營運的圖書館,讓他們能在無障礙環境內就業和服務大眾。


Ah Cheung suffered from birth asphyxia, which caused him to be paralysed for life. He spent his childhood in an apartment in a public housing estate with no elevators. For the first 11 years of his life, he did not leave his home. When he felt lonely, he chatted with the mice who came for his food.

He said that later in his life was full of “adventures”. He only started primary school aged 12. He took secondary school public exams in his late 20s, using one hand and his lips to hold the pen and answer the questions. He became the first wheelchair-bound insurance agent in Hong Kong. He learnt perseverance from his mother, who carried him on her back to school and the examination hall.

Ah Cheung was determined to be independent and strived to discover the true meaning of freedom on his own terms. He passed away in March 2022, leaving an unfinished dream: building a library to be managed by people with different disabilities.

The film is the directorial debut of So Ka Ue, with Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Ruby Yang serving as the creative and executive producer.

Ah Cheung 祥仔




Willy Law Wai-cheung, affectionately called "Ah Cheung" by his friends, colleagues and the local media, was a prominent advocate for disability rights in Hong Kong. A stalwart in the city's history of disability advocacy, Ah Cheung believed that people with disabilities should have the right to make their own choices and explore life’s possibilities, and made it a lifelong mission to advocate for independent living.

Ah Cheung passed away in March 2022, at the age of 58.

Director 導演

蘇家榆 SO Ka Ue


A Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts graduate, SO Ka Ue has worked with Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Ruby Yang as an assistant editor for In Search of Perfect Consonance (2016) and Ritoma (2018), and as an editor for China Forgotten Daughters (2018). She also has worked in post-production for various Hong Kong feature films.

Creative & Executive Producer

楊紫燁 Ruby YANG

楊紫燁為著名美籍華裔電影工作者,在紀錄片和劇情片領域成就斐然,作品屢獲殊榮,包括曾獲第79屆奧斯卡最佳紀錄短片獎、第83屆奧斯卡最佳紀錄短片獎提名及多個國際獎項,並於2011年當選奧斯卡金像獎評委。楊紫燁現居香港,熱心從事紀錄片拍攝與教學,2015年成立 「香港紀錄片拓展計劃」,指導並培育新一代的紀錄片工作者。


Ruby Yang is a noted Chinese-American filmmaker whose works in documentaries and dramatic films have earned her wide recognition, including an Academy Award, two Oscar nominations and numerous other international recognitions. Currently based in Hong Kong, Yang is deeply involved in directing and producing documentary films. She founded the Hong Kong Documentary Initiative in 2015, aiming to nurture the next generation of documentary filmmakers in the region. She has been teaching students master’s level documentary courses at the University of Hong Kong’s Journalism and Media Studies Centre (JMSC) since 2013. She officially commenced her tenure as director of the JMSC on July 1, 2024.

Animation Director

黃榮俊 WONG Weng Chon (John Wong)

黃榮俊是來自澳門的90後導演,畢業於台灣實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系。作品《梅婆》斬獲多個獎項,包括澳門當代電影及錄像展2021 — 評審大獎、巴黎國際動畫節地平線競賽「原創獎」、洛桑地下錄像與音樂節「最佳動畫短片獎」、東布洲國際動畫週「今敏獎」。

WONG Weng Chon (John Wong)
is a director from Macau who graduated from Shih Chien University’s Department of Communications Design in Taiwan. His short film Wong, Bitter Gourd (2019) was selected by Animafest Zagreb’s Student Film Competition and the Taipei Film Festival in 2019. His latest work Mui (2021) was awarded Original Prize in the Horizon Competition at the 2022 Paris International Animation Film Festival, Best Animation Short Film at the Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival, and Best Animation Award at the South Taiwan Film Festival.

Producer 監製

陳芷琪 Catherine CHAN

是香港土生土長的獨立電影監製,曾參與意大利都靈電影工作室(Torino Film Lab)的觀眾策略師培訓及歐洲紀錄片監製培訓計劃(EURODOC),並在多個國際提案大會中獲獎。她與《無拘飛祥》團隊參與中東歐動畫工作坊(CEE Animation Workshop),是歐洲以外地區的唯一入選項目。她現時在丹麥發展以連結觀眾為目標的初創企業,並協助香港導演製作紀錄片。

Born and raised in Hong Kong, Catherine Chan collaborates with documentary filmmakers from the city.  She was selected to receive training from EURODOC and TorinoFilmLab. She currently splits her time between Hong Kong and Denmark to support documentary film productions, from story development to audience engagement. Ah Cheung: Wings of Hope was selected to take part in the 2023 CEE Animation Workshop, alongside other projects from Central and Eastern Europe.
